Monday, March 24, 2008

Still Sending Out Resumes

We do not see things as they are.We see things as we are.--Anais Nin
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.--Franklin D. Roosevelt
The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of
others.--Hasidic Saying
Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ever tried? Ever failed? No Matter, try again, fail again, Fail better.--Samuel Beckett

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.--Woody Allen
The test for whether or not you can hold a job should not be the arrangement of your chromosomes.--Bella Abzug [Or that stupid piece of expensive paper called a degree.--KSN]
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.--Evan Davis

Very frustrating not getting any interviews--well I got that one, but not a second with them.
But yesterday was nice; dinner with the whole family, no arguments or "Eff you"s. I caught myself smiling a lot. Good. New, but good. Then the boys slept in my huge bed with me last night while Nate slept on the couch. I wish we had all fit, but Nate gave up the bed, so I could have my "babies" nearby. Good day. Please just let me get a job. Not retail, not minimum wage, not eight hours on my feet. That would be perfect. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Be patient. You’ll get the right job for you but it may take some time. Until then you can pour your energy into cooking and ironing my shirts.

Anonymous said...

Ok maybe I should have signed the last post. Reading it now, it seems as though the some creepy stranger wants you to iron his/her shirts.



Anonymous said...

OK..for some reason it never accepts my blogger id and I've double checked the password and everything. So This is from Mom,LOL
Yeah, Nate, definitely should have signed the first post, LOL...reminded me of that guy in New Hampshire or wherever yelling "iron my shirt" at Hillary, LOL WILL get a job. Remember all things come to those who wait. Get out and about, meet people if you can...the right job will come out of the blue when you least expect it!

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