Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Flower and More Lazy Blogging

Usually Canna Lillies bloom in the heat of summer around here, but we didn't plant any of ours (received from a Freecycler) until the heat of summer. Well, imagine my surprise when I saw thiss out my window today. Isn't it pretty? These are Canna lily 'tropicanna.'

I have a few more things from the election front which I was too tired to post last night.

Here we go:

Altough he left Countdown under weird circumstances, I still read Dana Milbank occassionally. The other week he wrote this:

Unleashed, Palin Makes a Pit Bull Look Tame
By Dana Milbank Tuesday, October 7, 2008; Page A03
FORT MYERS, Fla., Oct. 6 John McCain is collapsing in the polls in Florida and other swing states, but Sarah Palin, God bless her, has a solution. [continued at above link]

If your mortgage is in default with Fannie Mae: Try to kill yourself! It works!

Fannie Mae forgives loan for woman who shot herself
(CNN) -- Fannie Mae said it will set aside the loan of a woman who shot herself as sheriff's deputies tried to evict her from her foreclosed home. [continued at above link]

The fact that anti-choice terrorism in this country has always been mostly ignored dumbfounds me. And now that the whole "Ayers thing" is being beaten to death, I'm glad someone pointed out McCain's implicit condoning of such acts.

John McCain's Domestic Terrorism Problem (new video)

Gail Collins usually hits the nail on the head and makes me laugh all at once without being as snarky as Maureen Dowd.

Dear Old Golden Dog Days
By GAIL COLLINS Published: October 10, 2008 I miss the good old days. Remember when the presidential campaign was all about oil drilling? That sure was fun.

Interesting stuff on the "I was a P.O.W." front:

McCain and the POW Cover-up

The "war hero" candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam Research support provided by the Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute. This is an expanded version, with primary documents attached, of a story that appears in the October 6, 2008 issue of The Nation. By Sydney H. SchanbergSeptember 18, 2008 John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books. [continued at above link]

Good for them!

Coal miners in West Virginia stay home in protest of anti-Obama NRA tactics
Posted by Kate Sheppard at 12:47 PM on 07 Oct 2008 Coal production at the Blacksville No. 2 Mine in Monongalia County, W.Va., came to a halt for one day last week when all the miners stayed home in protest after a National Rifle Association camera crew tried to get them to bad-mouth Barack Obama on film. [continud at above link]

Disgusting stuff:

Obama & A Noose: They're Not Even Trying to Hide It Anymore
by: Maryscott O'Connor Sun Oct 12, 2008 at 18:33:21 PM PDT [check out link so I don't have to print it here]

You gotta love Philly!

Palin hears plenty of boos
But it wasn't all bad for the VP candidate, who made 2 stops in Phila.
By Mari A. Schaefer and Amy S. Rosenberg Inquirer Staff Writers
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin came to town yesterday fully expecting to be booed by Philadelphia hockey fans.

And ya gotta love Donna:

October 6, 2008
Donna Brazile: “If I Were Running This Campaign”
On Saturday, October 4th, Jeffrey Toobin hosted a panel discussion with Donna Brazile, Alex Castellanos, Edward J. Rollins, and Joe Trippi. As reported earlier, Brazile stole the show. Watch Brazile’s impassioned closing remarks below. [video at above link]

General, we hard knew ya:

Petraeus Talk Bolsters Obama While McCain Backs Petraeus, General Sounds Notes That Harmonize With Democratic Nominee. By Spencer Ackerman 10/8/08 4:16 PM [article at link]

Finaly, sometimes actuaries have something interesting to say:

1 in 4 chance McCain may not survive 2nd term
An actuarial company has run the numbers for McCain and Obama
By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR updated 3:28 p.m. ET, Tues., Sept. 30, 2008 WASHINGTON - If John McCain is elected and goes on to win a second term, there's as much as a one-in-four chance America could see its first woman president —Sarah Palin. [continued at link]

So, okay, you betcha! Yah, I'll get back to ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I was wondering if anyone else even noticed that since the Vietnam era ended the most of the domestic terrorism has been anti-choice (I refuse to say pro-life when they are planting bombs and killing people)
Yeah , we had McVey, but really, mostly it's been family planning clinic bombings.
I have had a number of friends who worked in the clinics (this ws back when I was still working) and thy were constantly getting bomb threats and personal threats and havng to have security escort them to their cars.
Gotta goshoot myself now so I don't have to pay my mortgage, LOL

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