Sunday, October 19, 2008

Barely ANY Politics!!!

Amy Poehler is a freaking genius, and she is about a hundred times cuter with her big preggo belly. She absolutley stole last night's SNL with two skits last night, one of which was the Palin rap. (As a side note, as much as I hate Palin, after the Weekend Update was over I told Nate, "If I didn't hate her so much, I'd really like her right now." Plus now we know that both tickets have one person with the ability to bust a move cutely. I was not happy that Palin seems to be a decent actress as that is not something I want in a VP.) I'll be sad to see her move on from the show, but Kristen Wiig seems to be the emerging female comice star on SNL, so at least we won't be left bereft. (Fun fact: Wiig spent some of her growing up years in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.)

Movies I'm jonesing for:
  • W.
  • Nick & Norah s Infinite Playlist
But knowing me, I'll see them on DVD. Don't get out much to movies anymore...
The casting in W. looks genius if not, at first, obvious. Especially Jeffrey Wright as Gen. Colin Powell. Genius. (And Once in a Lifetime seems a perfect song for the trailer.) I'm rarely over the moon for Stone movies, but I've got it bad for this one.
Which leads me to today's big--but not suprising, really--Obama endorsements: Gen. Colin Powell and Fareed Zakaria. Obama also has about three times as many newspaper endorsements, so I've lost track of the most recent of those.
Not much going one today. Just reading the Sunday Times, catching up on some magazines I am really behind on reading (New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Ms. and Bitch; yeah, most of my magazine "reading" lately has been gossip rags and fashion mags. Sigh. I'm an addict.), watching Sunday talking head, drinking coffee and generally being a fat, lazy fuck.

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