Yeah, so it's been a while. It's hard for me to feel like posting as my depression is getting worse and there seems to be too much to say to have the energy to explain. Plus, most of the people in my life already know all of this, but here goes: a recap of sorts.
I had sent an email to my rheumatologist regarding the neuropathy that was a paranoid rant about how "maybe I have sarcoidosis or MS??" My rheumy graciously responding without saying, "Hey nutso!! CHILL!" She explained the reasons why I probably don't have either, but we can run a few tests to prove it and she also suggested I should have had the Ph test for reflux that my immunologist had suggested. (They told me that the wheezing and coughing I've been having for a while was not asthma as far as the tests showed ad it may be reflux--even though I don't have the more common symptoms like heartburn or acid burps. I skipped it because the test required wearing a wire up my nose down into my esophagus for 24 hours, said wire being attached to a little computer I wear on my belt monitoring the Ph levels in my esophagus. Since I was convinced it is not reflux, I said "eewwww" and skipped it.) So I called to schedule that.
Then I got a phone call from my primary care doctor's office saying she received the email from my rheumy and wanted to bring me in to discuss some things we could explore. (They never called me for an appointment before, so this freaked me out a little.)
Meanwhile I had my gastroenterology appointment. The woman told me that we would not do the Ph test as first she wanted to schedule me for an upper GI endoscopy to check for esophogeal damage, ulcers and pre-cancerous lesions. WHAT?? Oooookay. So I scheduled that. Then when the nurse called to go over the procedure and my meds, etc., she said they would do a biopsy to check for eosinophilic esophagitis at the request of the doctor in addition to any they do if the see "something." Oooookay.
Anyway, whatever is causing the wheezing and dry cough is what is probably leaving me exhausted as it obviously interferes with the amount of oxygen I get while I sleep.
Still no idea why I have neuropathy. Probably will have to just live with it at this point. Sigh.
So all of this uncertainity is combining with the fact that it is fall heading into winter and that is always bad for my depression to leave me on a downward slide. My psychiatrist upped my Effexor XR; my PCP took me off of my trazodone and upped my clonazapem and took me off of two other meds (allergy stuff) to try to a) reduce the number of meds I'm taking and b) relieve some of the severe dryness in my eyes, mouth and --ahem!--Sister Suzy. (This is not--as proven by bloodwork--Sjogren's; just dryness from meds and a natural dryness I've always leaned towards. The mouth dryness is annoying because my teeth are starting to chip and break more easily and the eye dryness prevents me from ever wearing contacts. I use Celluvisc in my eyes and various forms of biotene and sugar-free gum to alleviate mouth dryness.)
So now we wait.
In other news, I'm not sure if I've mentioned that both of my boys, in recent months, have cut off their long, luxurious locks into "skater" cuts and my oldest died his black. It actually looks good on him, but the whole "cool teen/tween" thing they are going through makes me sad. I miss my little baby boys snuggling on my lap and laughing crazily at life. Now they are "emo" and perpeutally sarcastic--still funny and not at all depressed, just the projection of coolness and aloofness that makes me miss them even when they are right there in the room.
Holden made high honors and Ethan did well with his first quarter portfolio.
Nate is still working his butt off.
My BFF is ready to pop out a sweet baby boy any day/week now.
My brother-in-law's wife, ditto.
It's hard to be surrounded by baby love just as I'm missing it most.
I've started a few small indoor succulent gardens with various types of living rocks. All of my plants still seem to be doing alright, knock wood.
My book list over there -------> is suffering a bit. I've been reading a lot of magazines when I do read,; I forget to enter books and I haven't reviewed anything for a while. But anyway, at least I'm reading something, right?
And my job... Well, let's just say I'm looking forward to the end of this quarter. I need new sample. New areas to work.
And lastly, poor Ethan is home sick with what seems to be a cold. Voluntarily sleeping. Now that's sick. Poor sweetie.
I didn't realize that you're going to be an aunt again!
Hmmm...perpetual sarcasm..what must THAT be like to live with? LOL
I hope the depression turns itself around soon.
I was caught up on most of your medical travails, but sorry to hear your depression is worsening. It's that time of year.
My peri just ordered me to stop my Zoloft thru delivery so long as it's OK w/ my therapist. You wanna hear something funny? I can't remember the last time I had an anxiety attack--until I was told to go off my Zoloft today :). It's totally psychosomatic. I'm cool w/ it now, but I was just seized by memories of how icky it was last time I tried. But last time I tried, it was much earlier in the pregnancy and we didn't know things were A-OK yet.
I know you're sad your boys are growing up so fast, but at least they let you sleep and don't projectile vomit and poop on you anymore. Every cloud...
I've had an upper GI endoscopy.. it really isn't too horrible. They put you in a twilight and it's over rather quickly. It's funny that reflux affects people differently- you don't really need to have the whole burning acid thing- and my mom has it really bad and has a dry, hacking cough for a while- maybe a few years. It's actually become a weird trademark of sorts.
I know it totally blows with it getting dark so early.
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